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Pricing & Billing

Our pricing is designed to be accessible for all our customers, ranging from hobbyists to AAA game studios. Our platform helps you utilize compute resource efficiently in order to minimize wasteful spend. Hathora offers purely usage-based pricing on the Starter tier and a blend of commitment and usage-based pricing on the Enterprise tier, to allow for cost-effective pricing at scale.

Starter vs Enterprise

Hathora operates as a hybrid cloud so we provision servers on both bare metal and public cloud. We run base (or committed) capacity on bare metal and for unexpected (or usage-based) capacity we use public cloud.

Hathora’s operating costs are significantly cheaper on bare metal than on public cloud and we pass on the savings to you! However, it does come at the cost of flexibility. We need approximately 2-3 weeks to order and set up the servers in our data centers.

If you know that your game will require a certain amount of base capacity, we encourage you to reach out for commitment based pricing.


When selecting a plan, you must evaluate how much CPU and memory is required to run an instance of your game server. We charge for the amount of HCU your game consumes. The cost of a HCU varies based on if you're on a committed or pay-as-you-go pricing.

Orchestration/hr (per vCPU-hr)$0.08As low as $0.02 + Hardware
Egress-bandwidth/GB$0.12As low as $0.01

Hathora runs latest generation AMD x86 CPU processors across all of our regions to deliver consistent performance to your gamers.


Hathora grants customers $500 in credit on sign up (valid for 24 months) to evaluate and develop on our platform.

How to calculate your bill

At the end of each month, Hathora calculates the cost for all processes in your account as follows:

totalCost = (vCPU X OrchestrationFee) + (totalBandwidthConsumedGB X bandwidthRate)

  • vCPU = total vCPU hours consumed across all processes running in that month
  • OrchestrationFee = hourly Orchestration cost
  • totalBandwidthConsumedGB = total outbound bandwidth, summed across all processes running in that month
  • bandwidthRate = bandwidth cost per GB

This example is for a Starter tier customer so the Orchestration fee includes hardware costs.

Example Scenario

Consider the following game:

matches per month100K
match length0.25hrs
bandwidth per match0.1GB

Let's assume this game is operating on the Starter tier and runs on 1core/2GB memory ($0.08/hr active). If the game server can run 10 roomsPerProcess, you can expect the following average costs for a match:

  • Orchestration = (1 core * 0.25hrs per match)/ 10 rooms per process = 0.025vCPU X $0.08/OrchestrationFee ~= $0.002/match
  • bandwidth = 0.1GB X $0.12/GB ~= $0.012/match
  • total = $0.002/match + $0.012/match ~= $0.014/match

Given 100K matches per month, your bill would be ~$1400/month.


Hathora has the following default limits. If you require higher limits for any of the following features, please reach out to

Container registry size per region10GB of most recent containers
Docker build minutes200mins/month
LogsEach processes can store up to 100MB/hr of logs content for 3 days
Metrics72hrs of history

Billing Details

Every month we calculate your bill based on the aforementioned calculations. We will first deduct your bill from your remaining credit. Once your credit is fully exhausted, Hathora will send an invoice at the end of the month to the account holders email. You will have 30 days to complete the payment to retain services.


Discord support is available by default to all of our customers. To inquire about dedicated support plans, please reach out to us at